2nd Edition of the Indo-Pacific Conference

Organized by the Association régionale des auditeurs de l’océan Indien and Emmanuelle Crane Consulting

Université de La Réunion 5 and 6 February 2025

Peace and security in the Indo-Pacific: Geopolitical issues and challenges in the Indian Ocean

Sovereignty, security, biodiversity in the Indo-Pacific: comparing challenges posed by the threat and strength of regional and international cooperation

International guests include: Australia, Germany, Denmark, India, USA

With the support of the European Union as part of the new “Safe Seas Africa” (SSA) program to promote maritime security in Africa.

Wednesday 5 February 2025 : Morning session begins at 9h00 Reunion time (+GMT 4) | 5h00 

Thursday 6 February 2025: Morning session begins at 8hOO Reunion time (+GMT 4)

English Press Release_2nd edition of the Indo Pacific Conference (5 & 6 Feb)

English programme Indo Pacific conference – 5 & 6 Feb


*Please note the conference will be held in French, with AI driven English translations available.